Bluff-Opoly 2025 Feb 9th-March 30th
Bluff-o-poly big game on March 30th (7weeks)
Win any single property event get on Weekly wheel Sunday nights @9pm eastern live on our Facebook group page.
Win a monopoly of any color get a free entry to (100+10) buyin event at the end of the bluff-o-poly series.
Prizes for the big game winners are listed below:
Win a Railroad get a wheel spin +$20
Win 2 Railroads = free entry to big game
Win a Utility get a wheel spin +$30
Win 2 Utilities = free entry to big game
Player who wins the most properties = Top Casino Mogul Trophy
If u win more then 3 big game entries you can choose to gift extras over 3 to another player not in event. Can be existing bluff player or new bluff player.